Roy McKay team in USAC. Full information

Roy McKay team in :championship. Full information

The Roy McKay team took part in USAC from 1960 to 1966.
During her performances it won 0 victories and 0 pole positions. 3 pilots competed in 3 races in 3 different cars.

List of all members of the Roy McKay team

Driver Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Bob Veith 14 10 1
Roy Walker 7 8 1
Jack Hahn 8 8 1

All the years Roy McKay took part in USAC

Year Points Position Wins Poles
1960 0 - 0 0
1965 0 - 0 0
1966 0 - 0 0

List of tracks where Roy McKay raced

Track Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Milwaukee 14 10 1
Pikes Peak 7 8 2

List of all victories of the Roy McKay team

Year Winner Grand Prix

List of all the cars that Roy McKay members drove

Kurtis Kraft 500J

Offenhauser L4 4.5

? ? 1965


Kurtis Kraft 4000D

Offenhauser L4 4.5