Retzloff Racing Team team in USAC. Full information

Retzloff Racing Team team in :championship. Full information

The Retzloff Racing Team team took part in USAC in 1968.
During her performances it won 5 victories and 5 pole positions. 5 pilots competed in 27 races in 8 different cars.

List of all members of the Retzloff Racing Team team

Driver Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Al Unser 1 1 30
Art Pollard 6 14 1
Carl Williams 19 14 1
Arnie Knepper 12 11 1
Skip Scott 4 18 1

All the years Retzloff Racing Team took part in USAC

Year Points Position Wins Poles
1968 0 - 5 5

List of tracks where Retzloff Racing Team raced

Track Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Mosport Park 4 4 2
Indianapolis 26 6 1
Phoenix 12 5 2
Riverside 4 4 1
Langhorne 1 1 3
Springfield 12 1 1
Milwaukee 3 5 2
Du Quoin 7 1 1
Trenton 17 1 2
Sacramento 3 11 1
Indiana State Fair 15 2 1
Indianapolis Raceway Park 1 1 2
St Jovite 9 2 2
Hanford 2 6 2
Stardust, Las Vegas 14 4 1
Castle Rock 4 10 1
Nazareth 1 2 1
Michigan 6 7 1

List of all the cars that Retzloff Racing Team members drove

Dunlop D


Dunlop ? 1968


Lola T92
