Challenger Racing team in DTM. Full information

Challenger Racing team in :championship. Full information

The Challenger Racing team took part in DTM from 1992 to 1993.
During her performances it won 0 victories and 0 pole positions. 1 pilot competed in 40 races in 1 car.

List of all members of the Challenger Racing team

Driver Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Jurgen Feucht 14 18 40

All the years Challenger Racing took part in DTM

Year Points Position Wins Poles
1992 0 - 0 0
1993 0 - 0 0

List of tracks where Challenger Racing raced

Track Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Zolder 25 4
Nürburgring 22 22 8
Hockenheim 20 20 8
Avus 23 4
Norisring 18 2
Donington Park 27 2
Wunstorf 14 19 4
Diepholz 18 18 4
Singen 20 4

List of all victories of the Challenger Racing team

Year Winner Grand Prix

List of all the cars that Challenger Racing members drove