2000 Hockenheim DTM is 216th DTM race. Passed at the Hockenheim circuit. Bernd Schneider won the pole position and this race. Marcel Fassler and Michael Bartels also climbed to the podium, in second and third place. Race distance 31 laps (82 km).
Previous race:
2000 Hockenheim DTM
Next race:
2000 Oschersleben DTM
Race Start:
28th May 2000
51st victory for the AMG Mercedes team
16th victory for the Bernd Schneider
34th podium for the Bernd Schneider
2nd podium for the Marcel Fassler
4th podium for the Michael Bartels
Mercedes-Benz CLK-DTM AMG 2000 #1 - 2000 Hockenheim DTM winner
Mercedes-Benz CLK-DTM AMG 2000