1994 Diepholz DTM is 192nd DTM race. Passed at the Diepholz circuit. Klaus Ludwig won the pole position, Bernd Schneider won this race. Klaus Ludwig and Ellen Lohr also climbed to the podium, in second and third place. Race distance 37 laps (101 km).
Previous race:
1994 Diepholz DTM
Next race:
1994 Nurburgring DTM
Race Start:
24th July 1994
43rd victory for the AMG Mercedes team
8th victory for the Bernd Schneider
23rd podium for the Bernd Schneider
58th podium for the Klaus Ludwig
5th podium for the Ellen Lohr
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse DTM AMG #4 - 1994 Diepholz DTM winner
Alfa Romeo