Packard Motor Co team in AAA National Motor Car Championship. Full information

Packard Motor Co team in :championship. Full information

The Packard Motor Co team took part in AAA National Motor Car Championship from 1919 to 1923.
During her performances it won 1 victory and 1 pole position. 4 pilots competed in 5 races in 2 different cars.

List of all members of the Packard Motor Co team

Driver Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Ralph de Palma 1 1 5
Dario Resta 14 3 1
Joe Boyer 14 3 2
Ernie Ansterberg 14 3 2

All the years Packard Motor Co took part in AAA National Motor Car Championship

Year Points Position Wins Poles
1919 0 - 1 1
1923 0 - 0 0

List of tracks where Packard Motor Co raced

Track Best Race Position Best position in qualification Total Races
Indianapolis 6 3 2
Sheepshead Bay 1 1 2
Cincinnati Speedway 10 10 1

List of all victories of the Packard Motor Co team

Year Winner Grand Prix
1919 Ralph de Palma International Sweepstakes Final

List of all the cars that Packard Motor Co members drove

Packard 299
