1925 Charlotte 250 in AAA National Motor Car Championship at the Charlotte Speedway circuit. Full information

1925 Charlotte 250

1925 Charlotte 250 is 284th AAA National Motor Car Championship race. Passed at the Charlotte Speedway circuit. Bennett Hill won the pole position, Tommy Milton won this race. Harry Hartz and Jerry Wonderlich also climbed to the podium, in second and third place. Race distance 200 laps (402 km).

Previous race: 1925 Autumn Classic
Next race: 1925 Culver City 250
Race Start: 11th November 1925

Interesting facts and statistics about the 1925 Charlotte 250

45th victory for the Duesenberg Bros team
23rd victory for the Tommy Milton
55th podium for the Tommy Milton
20th podium for the Harry Hartz
5th podium for the Jerry Wonderlich

Duesenberg Eight Speedway Roadster - 1925 Charlotte 250 winner

Duesenberg Eight Speedway Roadster #7 - 1925 Charlotte 250 winner

List of all cars for the 1925 Charlotte 250 on the Charlotte Speedway circuit