1915 Montamarathon Trophy Race 1 in AAA National Motor Car Championship at the Tacoma Speedway circuit. Full information

1915 Montamarathon Trophy

1915 Montamarathon Trophy is 124th AAA National Motor Car Championship race. Passed at the Tacoma Speedway circuit. Glover Ruckstell won the pole position and this race. Earl Cooper and Eddie Pullen also climbed to the podium, in second and third place. Race distance 125 laps (402 km).

Previous race: 1915 Sioux City 300
Next race: 1915 Golden Potlatch Trophy
Race Start: 4th July 1915

Interesting facts and statistics about the 1915 Montamarathon Trophy

9th victory for the Mercer Automobile Co team
1st victory for the Glover Ruckstell
3rd podium for the Glover Ruckstell
13th podium for the Earl Cooper
7th podium for the Eddie Pullen

1915 Montamarathon Trophy results

Position Name Car Points Result Lap Team
1 Glover Ruckstell Mercer ? 1915, #11 500 2h 57m 3.000s 0 Mercer Automobile Co
2 Earl Cooper Stutz ? 1915, #8 260 2h 58m 5.000s+1m 2.000s 0 Stutz Motor Car Co
3 Eddie Pullen Mercer ? 1915, #4 140 2h 58m 55.000s+1m 52.000s 0 Eddie Pullen
4 Bob Burman Peugeot L76, #9 80 3h 8m 44.400s+11m 41.400s 0 Bob Burman
5 Barney Oldfield Peugeot L76, #1 55 3h 17m 58.400s+20m 55.400s 0
6 Frank Elliott Mercer ? 1915, #5 0 0 Gordon
7 George Hill Stutz ? 1915, #2 0 0
8 Dave Lewis Stutz ? 1915, #7 0 0
9 Billy Carlson Maxwell ? 1915, #17 0 0 United States Motor Co
10 Rea Lentz Romano ? 1915, #24 0 0
11 Jim Parsons Stutz ? 1915, #22 0 0 Jim Parsons
12 James Reynolds Marmon ? 1915, #25 0 0
13 Ernest Schneider unknown ? 1915, #20 0 0 Ernest Schneider

List of all cars for the 1915 Montamarathon Trophy on the Tacoma Speedway circuit

Peugeot L76
